The Worldwide Agenda with COVID 19, Part One
“What would be the incentive for anyone to say that vaccines are unsafe or ineffective, if they truly were safe and effective? The only one who would have incentive to say they were safe and effective, if they were not, would be those who seek to profit from them.”
“Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.”
As we continue to research and examine this unprecedented event known as the Covid 19 Pandemic and if you have been following my most recent newsletters, it would seem that there is a common underlying thread emerging.
A global agenda. A global agenda that is being orchestrated by the Gates Foundation in conjunction with Dr. Fauci of the NIH, the WHO, and the CDC. There are many other players on this stage and behind the curtain, but suffice it to say that the agenda is becoming increasingly more clear as we dig deeper into the truth behind the propagandist rhetoric coming from the media and the government agencies tied to Gates and his cronies.
The agencies involved, along with the media, are implementing draconian measures to create an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of our culture, that will lead to a level of social compliance and control of epic historical significance. This is a shock and awe campaign of unprecedented proportions. But to what end?
This can easily be discerned by looking at Gates’s global vaccine agenda. An agenda that, to date, has left countless injured, sterile, or dead. (See link below for a more detailed description)
This agenda will lead to a push for legally mandated vaccinations and will include restrictions or penalties levied against those who fail to comply. Travel, work, and licensing may be just a few of the personal liberties affected for those who might dare resist the new mandates.
But are vaccines, mandated or voluntary, truly what we need to increase immune competence and stop the spread of infectious diseases such as Corona Virus?
What has been the history of vaccination and has it truly led to a healthier planet and a more immunological intact population?
What we need to know is if vaccination is truly the route to optimal global health and Corona abolition or is this type of mandated medical intervention, a fool's folly, that will only result in consequences of increased morbidity and mortality that would exceed the disease or diseases they are trying to prevent?
Let's take a walk through the historical garden of new world interventionist medicine and take a gander at the inner working of their disease management paradigm. Truly a modern archetype, that has no foundation in what has been a millennia of traditional medical wisdom handed down through the ages by the likes of Hippocrates, who today would be called a quack and charlatan.
Are Vaccinations Safe?
The Federal designation or definition of vaccines is that they are "unavoidably unsafe." This is the actual Supreme Court legal classification that was handed down in 2011 as a result of lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers for injuries resulting from vaccination. However, this fact was known decades before the 2011 Supreme Court classification.
In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was signed into law by which the Federal Government indemnified all vaccine manufacturers from liability for injuries sustained from vaccines. Yes, that is what you read, the vaccine manufacturers would no longer be liable for injuries sustained from vaccines of any type. They had total indemnity and were released from their responsibility for any negative consequences their vaccines may produce.
Before 1986, the pharmaceutical companies, responsible for producing vaccines, were being sued incessantly for injuries produced by their vaccines. By 1985, many companies producing vaccines were no longer able to get liability insurance and only one company was producing the DPT vaccine, due to the liability issues. The vaccine manufacturers were wanting to increase production facilities for their vaccines, but with low-profit margins and the increase in vaccine-related lawsuits, the vaccine companies wanted indemnity from liability before doing so. In light of this situation, they took their complaint to congress and asked for immunity from litigation for these pharmacological agents, and their wish was granted.
The Government would, from that time forward, be responsible for hearing cases and awarding compensation for those injured by vaccines, in what was called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. 75 cents from every vaccine sale would be put into a trust and used to compensate the injured.
Currently, this program has paid out more than 3.5 billion dollars for injuries sustained from vaccination. Keep in mind that it is estimated that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries are even reported in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database. That is correct, less than 1% of all vaccines injuries are even reported in the system designed to monitor vaccine injury. If the true numbers were to be revealed, the awards for injury would far surpass the 3.5 billion dollars awarded to the injured thus far.
Since there is no pharmaceutical agent that is without the potential for adverse events, it is clear that vaccines are no exception. If you are to believe the information above, it would appear that vaccines are, without a doubt, the source of untold harm.
Vaccine Safety Studies?-an Oxymoron?
The Institute of Medicine of National Academics, as of 2013 has stated that "Key tenets of the immunization schedule-for example, the number, the frequency, timing, order and age at the time of administration of vaccines- have not been systematically examined in recent studies." A child can receive as many as 8 vaccinations in one appointment and to date, not one clinical study has been done to determine the effects of 2 or more vaccines given together. Single vaccinations have been tested superficially and none have been tested against a true placebo. Italy received the Quadrivalent flu vaccine last year and many children are receiving a 13 valent pneumonia vaccine currently. And none of these have been tested for safety in combination.
When dealing with any pharmaceutical agent, there is a list in any drug formulary that describes drug interactions. That is, which drugs do not mix well with other drugs and have the potential for side effects when combined, etc. With vaccines, this has not been examined to determine if there is any potential complication from the use of any 2 or more vaccines in combination.
No "True" Double Blind Studies
Then, there is the issue of double blind placebo control studies. This is the gold standard for what truly determines the safety and efficacy of any pharmaceutical intervention. No vaccine has ever been compared to a true placebo. What the vaccine manufacturer would have you believe to be a placebo control, is a far cry from a true placebo.
A placebo should be a sugar pill or an inert substance by which you compare the actions of the active substance you wish to examine. Instead of a true placebo, pharmaceutical manufacturers test components of the vaccine or a previous vaccine against the vaccine they are studying, which effectively renders the results of their control study inconsequential. They are testing injurious agents against potential injurious agents. From these spurious results, they then fabricate the lie that the outcome of these studies proves that the agent or agents they tested are safe and effective and no more capable of producing injury than the placebo. Liars, damn liars, and statisticians.
Vaccines and Diseases of Unknown Origin.
The EPA defines 1989 as the gateway year for exponential increases in "diseases of unknown origin." With vaccines responsible for over 200 side effects and 1989 being the year that the vaccine schedule increased dramatically, following the indemnification of the vaccine manufacturers in '86, it would seem obvious that the correlation between vaccines and escalations in these previously low-level diseases would be pretty clear. Not so. They still claim a temporal (coincidental?) correlation between these two occurrences.
Can we continue to ignore this obvious relationship? Making statements to justify this point of view like, "our diagnostic acumen is better now than it was and this is why we see these increases in these disorders." Better diagnosticians? I would have to disagree.
The first cases of autism were seen in the ‘30s, during a time when polio and yellow fever vaccines were first tested on the population. There were some cases that were attributed to chemical engineers working with mercury in their labs and as a consequence brought home mercury residues on their clothes, thus exposing their offspring to this neuro-toxic compound. This resulted in neurological damage and as a result, autistic characteristics developed in their offspring.
Mercury is also a component of vaccines. The flu shot still has mercury preservatives, unless you opt for the preservative free form, which still contains mercury at lower levels.
The mercury free(e.g.-preservative free) vaccines are allowed to contain 0.3 mcg of Mercury, which equates to about 600 ppb per dose. The EPA standard for drinking water is 2 ppb and considers it to be hazardous at 200 ppb. So in mercury free vaccines you could receive 3 times the EPA's hazardous levels of mercury. In the mercury containing flu shots, and many other vaccines, the 25 mcg dose of mercury you receive is 1000's of times greater than the EPA allows.
However, mercury is not the only heavy metal in vaccines. Aluminum, used as an adjuvant to create a "robust" immune response, is also a common component of vaccines and known to be a neurotoxin. It is also interesting to note that, the way they create autoimmunity in laboratory animals is by administering these aluminum adjuvants to the test subjects. Yes, you can create autoimmunity with components of vaccines. Is this the reason for our ever increasing autoimmune disorders, which, by the way, is one of the categories of diseases of unknown origin recognized by the EPA to increase dramatically after 1989.
What are some of those diseases of unknown origin the EPA is referring to? Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Autoimmunity (juvenile and adult rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.), Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, ADD, ADHD, Ticks, Tourette's, SIDS, Narcolepsy, Allergies, Asthma, Atopy, Eczema and the list goes on. As of 2016, 1 in 20 children under the age of 5 y/o have seizure disorders. Do you honestly believe you can attribute these increases in these disorders to be merely an increase in diagnostic acumen?
Public Health Policy Overrides Public Health Concerns?
The DHHS Federal Register, Vol 49 No 107 from June 1, 1984 states, "Any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of vaccines cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation's public health objectives." This quote makes it clear that, even if vaccines are found to be unsafe, it will be the objective of the Federal Government to embargo this information. In essence, prohibiting this from becoming public knowledge, while maintaining it's current vaccine schedule, in spite of evidence proving to the contrary, as a means of employing the public health measures it deems necessary.
This begs the question, who are the engineers behind the scenes controlling these public health programs and who will profit from it's implementation?
Follow the Money
In 1910, John D. Rockefeller, through the Carnegie Foundation, funded an analysis of medical schools in the United States and Canada called the Flexner Report. Authored by Abraham Flexner, who had no formal medical education and had not completed any advanced post graduate work, this study was published in 1910 and elucidated what Flexner believed to be the shortcomings of the medical institutions he evaluated. Flexner was chosen for his writing style and his disdain for university educational standards of the time and clearly was used to advance the agenda of Rockefeller at the time.
Rockefeller was America's first billionaire. An industrialist who had a clear vision for conquering the world financially. In the early 1900's, he added to his burgeoning petroleum empire a German pharmaceutical company. A clear segue into the medical industry he wished to dominate. This same pharmaceutical company would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war.
Petroleum is the basis for all chemical manufacture, from pharmaceuticals to plastic to agricultural chemicals, etc. It was through the use of this petroleum, controlled by his oil cartel and the production of said chemicals and pharmaceuticals, that Rockefeller began to forge a plan to eliminate any non pharmaceutical medical interventions. As a result, eliminating any potential competitors to his aspiring medical empire.
The Death of Thousands of Years of Alternative and Traditional Medicine
At the time, there were approximately 160 medical schools operating in the United States and many, if not most, were alternative medical schools (Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathic and Homeopathic). MD's during this time, were the least esteemed of all medical professionals. The most respected physicians were what we would consider to be alternative or holistic practitioners.
It was the intention of Flexner that the alternative schools either fall in to step with the new educational formats or be denied licensure. Any school that did not advocate the use of treatments such as vaccines, to prevent or cure illness, was considered as tantamount to quackery and charlatanism (See Flexner Report on Wikipedia).
According to Flexner, all medical schools would need to be affiliated with a university and by 1935, only 66 of the 160 medical schools remained and alternative medicine was effectively wiped out. On the surface this type of evaluation and call to reform would seem to be beneficial. An improvement to the then substandard university system. One might even say that Rockefeller had only our best interest in mind. That he was a true philanthropist, intent only in the betterment of mankind, but this was far from the truth and his agenda far more ominous than would otherwise appear.
John D. Rockefeller then philanthropically donated 100 million dollars to colleges and hospitals to lube this transition and coerce the minds of Doctors and Scientists, who might have otherwise resisted this blatantly transparent attempt by Rockefeller to take over the medical establishment.
It appears that there are overwhelming parallels between Rockefeller's schemes and what we are dealing with now, as Bill Gates makes similar attempts to take over our health care freedoms in the guise of philanthropy through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Malice and greed cloaked in philanthropy.
From Health Care to Disease Management. Morbidity the New Revenue Stream.
The vision for medical education described in the Flexner Report narrowed medical schools’ interests to disease mitigation or intervention, and not on the system of health care or disease prevention or society’s optimal health beyond the disease management paradigm. Preventive medicine and population health were not to be considered a responsibility of physicians. Instead this new medicine would bifurcate “health” into two separate fields: scientific medicine and public health. Public health as conferred by vaccination protocols of spurious origin and scientific chicanery.
So the Flexner report, with the sweep of a hand, removed 1000's of years of traditional, cultural, intuitive and natural medical care and replaced it with a system that depends on science based interventions that have yet to improve the overall health outcomes of the planet. It is not to say that emergency medicine and surgical interventions are not a marvel at times, but as far as health care is concerned, it is essentially none existent.
I find it ironic that physicians take the Hippocratic oath seriously, as through the Flexner Report and it's outcome, they have deviated as far from practicing medicine like Hippocrates ("Let food be your medicine.") as they could possibly be. Currently conventional medicine is the antithesis of Hippocratic standards.
It is interesting to note that, at the same time the Flexner Report was being penned, some very keen researchers were studying the health of indigenous peoples throughout the world in order to ascertain why the health of industrialized nations was declining so rapidly. This research can still be seen in the book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price. Their study concluded that those groups, not exposed to our western diet and lifestyle, suffered none of the diseases of the industrialized world. Not until the indigenous people began to trade with the industrialized nations did they begin to show the ravages of western diseases. This was a landmark study which was of course ignored in the pursuit of "science" that would provide patented interventions and high revenue treatments.
At the hands of a Pharma subsidized Medical system, medical interventions became disease maintenance and not health care. We were fed a steady diet of misinformation about health in general and anyone who departed from the official rhetoric was deemed a quack or charlatan. We have more than 100 years of this type of fraudulence and as a result a majority of the population has drunk the Kool-aid.
As I had stated in my last newsletter, the FDA was captured as early as 1912 by special interests in the food and drug industry and ceased to protect us from the industries bent on plying us with chemicalized foods and pharmaceutical agents of spurious origins. Instead of depending on the natural ability of our bodies to resist disease through good nutrition and sensible lifestyle choices we were beholden to the high priesthood of pharma and government for interventions to save our lives from the hostile world around us. Relieving us of the burden of responsibility for our own well being.
We have accepted wholeheartedly our captivity to this new paradigm and abandoned our autonomy to powers without the slightest interest in our well being. In other words Public Health is now the domain of special interests with financial ties creating conflict of interest in the highest bastions of government.
The CDC, NIH, WHO and FDA are all captured organizations of Pharma and kowtow to whatever Pharma would desire. Drugs and vaccines are fast tracked without adequate testing and injuries continue to mount. We are as sheep to be slaughtered and food for the wolves.
Over 50 billion dollars in vaccine revenue every year is garnered by the pharmaceutical industry and over 500 billion dollars in revenue for the diseases caused by these very same vaccines. This is not a revenue stream that they will lose with out a fight and clearly is why they are making a global effort to eliminate any naysayers. We are not done with this topic yet.
Now we have established that conventional medicine and the government agencies responsible for protecting us and mandating policy are captured and complicit in their joint efforts to keep us literally drugged, vaccinated and any other spurious intervention that fills their coffers. Those who disagree, question or offer alternative opinions are deemed to be quacks, charlatans and anti-science and are quickly silenced and discredited. Most of the population now has become the victim of, what I consider to be, corporate/government decerebration.
This is the end of part one of the Global Agenda Concerning the Covid Plandemic. Part 2 and possibly 3 will follow shortly.