What does History Teach Us?
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks, and our dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”
How my experience plays into my disbelief concerning the present COVID 19 Pandemic.
For the better part of the last 36 years, I have passionately endeavored to educate myself and others about the pathway to optimal health and wellness. Many of you already know my story. Medical Corpsman in the Navy working in Emergency medicine with the Marines in Camp LeJeune North Carolina. I fell in love with health care in this setting and then when discharged started pre-med while working in Intensive care units and step down intensive care to pay my way through school.
It was during this time that I became disillusioned with the conventional model of "health care" and came to see the system as a disease management paradigm and not true health care in its purest form. After this awakening, I changed educational direction and began examining alternative healing systems to determine my next course of action. I simply wanted to learn how to treat dis-ease with more natural methods of healing that take into account the body's innate equilibration systems.
Early on in my education, I learned that the first cases of many of our current chronic dis-ease states originated in the mid to late 1800s. This was when the first signs of degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. presented and were diagnosed when previously they were rare afflictions. This just happens to coincide with the introduction of man-made fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides to our agricultural systems and the criminalization of our foods began to occur.
During this period there were books written and research performed that showed the correlation between this new chemical plague and the consequences seen in the escalation of degenerative and infectious diseases.
The father of synthetic fertilizers, Justus Von Liebig, a German biochemist, at the end of his life wrote repentance to mankind for having corrupted the laws of nature with the fertilizers that he had formulated. Only realizing after the fact the dire consequences of his chemical interventions.
Polio took off in the early 20th century after the introduction of Arsenic based herbicides in the sugar cane fields for weed mitigation. Poliovirus is a naturally occurring virus in our intestinal tract and had been non-virulent for millennia. It is questionable whether or not it was the true source of the symptoms of polio as almost 50% of all polio victims were negative for the virus. Polio incidence increased in the spring and declined in the fall as sugar consumption rose and fell with these seasons.
Diabetes before 1900 was 1 in 100 thousand and now it is 1 in 16. Cancer was 1 in 2000 before 1900 and now is the second leading cause of death behind heart disease at 1 in 8. Heart disease now is the number one killer leading to 647,000 deaths per year.
As you can see there has been a marked increase in disease rates that coincide with environmental changes for which we are responsible. Add toxins to our milieu and you push on our genetics in such a way as to produce negative consequences like cancer, diabetes, autism, heart disease, obesity, mental illness, autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, chronic infections, etc.
Our answer to these consequences, in the last 100 years, has been to look for the pharmaceutical intervention that will cure these repercussions. The "magic bullet" as it were that will rid us of these pesky diseases, that only we are responsible for causing.
The truth is that there is no magic bullet and we are no closer to eliminating what ails us today than we were 100 years ago. We have made no inroads to true interventions as that would require a paradigm shift of epic proportions. We would have to stop the rampant poisoning of our environment and put a halt to the processing and chemicalization of our food sources. But that would mean an end to certain industries and revenue streams that have been entrenched for over a century.
We would have to eliminate the toxic load in which we are immersed, change our dietary habits to rid ourselves of processed and chemicalized foods, begin to engage in physical activity at greater frequency, and reduce emotional stress on all levels.
Although this does not seem much to ask to achieve such lofty goals it is clear that our health system is bent on only treating symptom patterns through the profitable pharmaceutical interventions that they have developed and made us dependent on through massive disinformation campaigns for almost a century.
Case in Point
Corruption has been around for a long time.
The first head of the FDA, then called the Bureau of Chemistry, was Dr. Harvey W. Wiley who wrote the first Pure Food and Drug Law in 1906. This Law was designed to protect us from adulterated food sources and to protect, preserve and enhance the food supply. This was undermined by politically powerful commercial food industry forces. Dr. Wiley was removed from office in 1912 and replaced by Dr. Elmer Nelson who went on to testify that there was no scientific evidence that "a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease." These comments were made despite the landmark global studies proving the contrary. (See Empty Harvest by Mark Anderson for an in-depth discussion)
This change in power within the FDA brought forth, over the next generation, a blight of foods that had been bleached, refined, chemically preserved, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized, hydrogenated, artificially colored, defibered, highly sugared, highly salted, synthetically fortified, canned and generally exposed to hundreds of new man-made chemicals.
So in the end we have been sold a bill of goods that nutrition has nothing to do with disease, while the food and drug industries continue to control the government through manipulation and conflict of interest at the highest levels.
You might think things have changed over time, but just to drive the fact home, Julie Gerberding, who was a recent head of the CDC and later became head of Merck's vaccine division (imagine that!!), sold 9.1 million dollars of Merck stock in the face of potential fallout over the negative press concerning Merck's HPV vaccine failure in Europe. The corruption and conflict of interest are business as usual. Studies show that conflict of interest in the FDA and CDC are at epic proportions and all their decisions, based on that, should be suspect. (See Children's Health Defense website for more information on this topic.)
With this in mind, would it be too much of a leap to question the information and numbers given to us as concerns the Coronavirus pandemic that we now are being told to deal with using draconian measures? Have our governmental systems been a reliable source of reputable information free from conflict of interest? Does our current paradigm concerning health and disease come from truthful sources or does it come from vested interests that only have profit margins to guide their conscience?
I would have to think that the least we could do was broach the subject and examine what we are told. In doing so, we will seek to ascertain the real truth as concerns our relationship to this virus and whether or not the information and numbers that we are currently being bombarded with by a hysterical mass media are truly irrefutable. Is what we are hearing and reading from the media true or is it carefully controlled propaganda that has an agenda? After all, the media is completely unbiased and not owned by only a handful of vested interests...is it?
Virology 101-An in-depth look at our interaction with our microbiome.
Viruses- Friend or Foe?
To really know if what we are being told is true we have to examine the relevance of the germ theory that we considered in our last newsletter.
I think we must first discuss our relationship to viruses as well as to the microbiome that we share globally. I think that we must continue to re-examine our beliefs as to how we relate, holistically, to the plethora of organisms with which we are inundated continually.
We are immersed in bacteria and viruses to the tune of 100 trillion microorganisms in our bodies at any time. This is more in number than the known stars in the universe and more numerous than the cells of your body. Up to 50% of your fecal mass(stool or poop) consists of bacteria.
We live in a symbiotic union with these organisms. We provide sustenance for them and they provide benefit to us. If our body is imbalanced, stressed, and toxic these organisms may act to correct the imbalance.
This may be a painful process with symptoms of cold, flu, fever, and malaise. It is these symptoms that indicate that we are functioning in a disharmonious fashion and that we need to correct our lifestyle to prevent the negative consequences of imbalance. We need more sleep, better nutrition, more exercise, and less stress to correct these signs of disequilibrium.
This is called the Terrain theory of disease. If the Terrain is imbalanced the microorganisms within that terrain transform to correct the imbalance resulting in the symptoms associated with the disease. If the Terrain is balanced the microorganisms remain symbiotic and produce no negative consequences.
This is why you may have 10 people drink from a mountain stream and only 2 get Giardia. The symptoms that may result from this infection may also be diverse depending on the level of terrain imbalance in any individual.
Viral infection can also be asymptomatic and the up-regulation that these organisms provide may be pain-free if your system is clean and well maintained with the proper lifestyle and dietary interventions. This is why some people will have viral illnesses that persist for weeks and others for days and some have no symptoms at all.
Other possible contributors to system imbalance are prescription medications. Properly prescribed prescription medication deaths are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. It should be clear that taking medications can lower immune competence and therefore lead to infections that will be more severe than if not dealing with the metabolic burden of prescription drugs. This would be another co-variable in the increased morbidity and mortality with the current pandemic in all ages, especially the elderly, as they tend to be on polypharmacy and therefore are more compromised immunologically.
Viruses are an important part of our microflora. They are little more than genetic material in a protein coat. Hardly the evil pathogen that they are made out to be. Viruses are so prevalent that every life form on the planet has at least one virus that can interface with it. All humans are persistently colonized by a variety of viruses, and most of the time will go unrecognized by their host. This interfacing is really key to many of the brilliant adaptations in the world around us and even within us.
I perceive viruses to be the instruments of Intelligent Design and the tools of evolutionary change that many believe to be the result of random happenstance. If a bird needs new plumage to create better integration with its environment, Providential intervention can use a virus to implement that change by integrating it with the bird's genome and enabling a whole new set of phenotypic characteristics.
Viruses integrate with our DNA and up-regulate pathways that increase the production of various necessary constituents for physiologic function and facilitate tissue cleansing at all levels. Viruses are constantly evolving and morphing to bypass immune recognition so that they can continue to do the job they are designed to do... Clean up our excess toxic loads and help us adapt to environmental changes around us.
Every day, trillions of species across the globe interface with viruses and utilize their genomes and infectious cycles to modify their life cycles and evolve. If we were to become the one species that no longer interfaced with these genetic particles, we would lose an essential part of our ability to adapt to our environment and excel as a species. It is also important to note that viruses do not benefit from the death of their host and often do not directly cause it. For a virus, the death of its host means the death of its genome, as there is no longer any way for the transmission to occur. As such, it is rarely the virus that kills the host, but the host's response to the virus. While a strong immune response is critical to the regulation of the course of the virus' time in the body, a response that is too great can lead to severe cell damage and death.
How do humans and other creatures regulate their immune systems to prevent this overreaction? It is through childhood infections that train the immune system to become competent at a time when severe symptoms usually cannot be produced. Children naturally produce fewer immune-modulatory factors (which are responsible for creating symptoms like fever, cell death, etc.), allowing them to develop immunity without the onset of severe, life-threatening symptoms.
This critical time in immune system development leads to an immune system that is well trained to its environment, but also less likely to demonstrate the "fire-alarm" response we see in so many adults today. A fire alarm has no way to distinguish between fajitas and an actual fire, so it just screams at everything. Much like a poorly trained immune system reacts to, not only infections but foods, scents, and even your cells.
This is in keeping with the Hygiene Hypothesis, a theory that has gained much scientific support and suggests that our modern, overly hygienic, environments are leading to the development of severe disease because humans are no longer interfacing with the microbes we rely on for proper development.
It is interesting to note that Pediatricians had the lowest rate of shingle outbreaks at about 8x slower than the average due to their constant exposure to chickenpox-infected children. This is an example of wild boosting and it occurs with all microbes we encounter. They act to naturally boost your immune system to deal with the microbial environment more effectively.
To recap, viruses are not parasites, but symbiotes, which under good conditions, foster the growth of the immune system, our genome, and the body as a whole, while we, in turn, allow them to utilize our cellular machinery for replication. Additionally, they are not necessarily infectious, as infectious implies that they are always disease-causing. This is oftentimes not the case and as such "transmissible" would be a more appropriate definition. Viruses are by nature transmissible, intracellular symbiotes comprising genetic material surrounded by a protein coat and or membrane, acting on our genetics to enhance our performance and advance our evolutionary characteristics.
Corona Virus a New Strain?
When we hear that this is a new novel strain of the Coronavirus, you must remember that every year there is a new Coronavirus as they must mutate every year into a new and more effective form to perform the integral tasks that we need for optimal function.
Corona Virus has been around as long as there has been a human biome and has been changing form forever. SARS and MERS were both Coronaviruses and as such had an impact on a certain portion of the population as these viruses do every year.
Coronavirus is responsible for 5-15 percent of all yearly flu cases and is, therefore, the cause of a certain percentage of the morbidity and mortality that is attributed to the flu every season.
With over 200 thousand deaths attributed to the flu every year worldwide, it would be logical to estimate that Coronavirus will be responsible for approximately 20-30 thousand of those deaths, at any time, year after year.
In the US alone the CDC estimates that the flu is responsible for 38 million illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations, and 23,000 deaths each season.
Instead of actively trying to avoid exposure to these microorganisms with masks, gloves, protective eyewear, social isolation, and hazmat suits we should welcome them and embrace these viruses and an innumerable host of other philanthropic microorganisms. They are our natural system upregulation agents, facilitating and enhancing our biologic mechanism with the care of an expertly conducted symphony unlike any we could imagine. (See the 13 studies that reveal the adverse effects of social distancing in the link below.)
We are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and as such our interactions with this microbial environment should be embraced rather than be avoided. With this in mind let us immerse ourselves in our innate and evolutionary biome as a source of sustenance and good health.
Viruses and bacteria should not be a source of fear and trepidation, but exalted as a part of our miraculously designed ecosystem. In place to help us thrive and transform when the need arises. These are organisms that should be honored instead of despised and, if treated with respect, will only enhance your time here on earth. For all those who take care and are aware of the need to maintain our body's balance and peace, these tiny organisms will provide for years of optimal health and performance. Illness that may be a result of this microbes only acts to enhance our immunological function In wartime, would you rather have your troops in the barracks or out practicing war games? The infectious process is akin to having an immune system that is prepared for any event.
To the Numbers
I have many people and patients asking what is going on with the numbers that we are seeing on the news as concerns this pandemic. Remember, Statistics don't lie, Statisticians do. Or "there are liars, damn liars and then there are statisticians." With this in mind let's look at the real numbers as concerns the Coronavirus this season.
As I said previously, the Coronavirus is a seasonal segment of the total flu virome. In other words, of the hundreds of viruses, with which we exist, this virus accounts for up to 15% of all flu cases in a given year. See the link to the medical testimony of Dr. Wodarg MD below.
With over 200 thousand deaths from the flu annually we would expect to see around 20-30 thousand of those deaths to be attributed to Corona variants every year. If we look at the real numbers it would seem that this is exactly what we are seeing this flu season.
Italy recently admitted to greatly exaggerating their death rate to Coronavirus by up to 88%. With this in mind, Italy would fall in line with the mortality rates seen in other countries around the globe. With only 12% of their Coronavirus deaths truly being attributed to Corona alone, Italy's mortality rate would put their death toll around 700 cases. Totally within the spectrum of current rates around the world. Keep in mind that this low death rate is seen with multi-generational living conditions and close quarters prevalent throughout Italy. So much for social distancing.
In the US the death toll is calculated using only those who die of pneumonia which creates an extremely small study sample and therefore leads to a higher than normal death rate. In other words, if you have 100 patients with pneumonia and 2 die that leads to a 2% death rate from Corona. But if you take a sample size that consists of those who have asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic Corona infections this increases the study pool and gives us the real death rate of 0.1% or less which is the normal death rate attributed to the seasonal flu. See the link below on Fauci's revised stats and Corbet's video at the end of the article that explains the Italian stats.
There is also the problem of attributing mortality to Corona Virus when in actuality another comorbidity is responsible. For example, you enter the hospital with heart disease and die of a heart attack, yet test positive for Corona this would be considered a death due to Corona rather than heart disease based on the way the CDC is defining Corona deaths. This is just another example of how death rates in Corona can be exaggerated.
At this time over 22 different scientists are blowing the whistle on the stats being presented by the media and governmental agencies. (See Corbet's video on the above link.) Know that this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as those who are willing to come out against the current propaganda campaign as concerned Covid 19.
As it stands, these draconian measures implemented to stem the pandemic will cause no fewer infections, but possibly only flatten the curve and prolong this pandemic. This virus will continue to do what it does every year and infect as many as need to be infected to get the job done.
If you want to create a pandemic from a relatively benign virus you tell people that it is virulent and highly transmissible (Not!!). You fabricate a high death rate by manipulating data to make it appear so. You mandate social isolation and alienation leading to fear, hysteria, and panic. Close all businesses that may contribute to promoting a sense of well-being (hair, nail, massage, movie theaters, etc.) while keeping liquor stores open because drinking helps. Do not allow visitors in nursing homes and hospitals for support of your most vulnerable and sick. Broadcast incessantly from a media (who receives 75% of its nonelection year revenue from big Pharma) constant images of Corona propaganda mixed with ominous depictions of the virus while displaying in bold letters at the bottom of the screen "Facts, not Fear." All of which increases stress exponentially, undermining immune competence, leading to greater morbidity and mortality. As far as I am concerned if there were to be a recipe for a real pandemic this current effort should be in the cookbook.
Please, despite all the information that I have just given you, go back to the beginning of this article and read what it opens with. It is important to know the facts, but facts alone will not bring comfort. Support and encourage those who cannot see the sun through the storm We must always learn to dance in the rain and in these hard times embrace the lessons from which we must learn and evolve.
Our next newsletter will cover the agenda that this current crisis fabrication is designed to implement... Vaccination mandates and the truth concerning vaccinations.
For a comprehensive, albeit lengthy, discussion of the numbers and the current inaccuracies in the PCR testing for Covid 19, see the links below.
Also, to find other sources of information make sure to check out: