Blue Pill or Red Pill
Here I am, waking up at 4 am again with my mind whirling with the issues that we are all confronting daily as concerns this contrived Corona pandemic. I have asked many times, "Why did I take that damned red pill." I am sure many of you are saying the same thing. But it is done now and we can only keep moving forward with the truth as our shield and repel the arrows of deceit that continue to fly from all sides.
The issues that are keeping me awake are many and diverse and mostly concern conversations with patients and acquaintances I have had over the last few weeks as concerns this issue of coronaviruses. There are so many differing opinions and propaganda messages being disseminated that it truly makes your head spin.
For instance, was the topic of the Restaurant and Bar association’s loss to Governor Pollis over his closures and hours of operation reductions due to the pandemic. The patient who discussed this with me said that they lost because Pollis had bulletproof data and they could not contend with the facts. What facts and where were they derived? The CDC, NIH, or some other captured government organization that has an agenda that does not include our well-being and has conflicts of interest that are insurmountable? Where does the governor get his facts? These are important questions that appear to allude to the general population. Below are a few links from Ivar Cummins that may help suss out the truth on the world stats as concern the actual numbers of deaths this flu season and the efficacy of the lockdowns instituted by governments worldwide.
http://> >
As of February, 2022, this video has been censored.
Then there is the constant yammering about the numbers of covid cases increasing in the states that defied the lockdown mandates. Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia all show huge increases in the number of Corona cases. This becomes even more frustrating if you look at the numbers of morbidity and mortality as they continue to decline and yet the cases increase? This is another example of contrived numbers due to increases in testing with the highly inaccurate and completely unfounded RT-PCR test they are using to diagnose Covid 19. They have flooded the states, that did not lock down in lockstep with the government mandates, to increase their numbers of the Covid positive and give the appearance of the resurgence of this fabricated condition. Please see the interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman by Del Bigtree for a more balanced look at how they fabricated this virus out of thin air. The Dr. Wodarg video also supports this point. With this information in tow, you will be able to see through the smokescreen of malicious malfeasance that we call news and the TV Doctors (Pharma Schills) that continue to parrot the fake official narrative.
The PCR test is not only 50% inaccurate for false positives but there are hundreds of cases of people standing in line to get the test and leaving before the test can be performed only to receive a positive result. And don't forget that the CDC allows physicians to diagnose Covid 19 on symptoms alone and does not require a positive PCR. Remember also that the State Dept of Health was sued recently for falsifying death certificates to increase the number of Covid related mortalities resulting in the Health Dept correcting the death toll downward substantially.
This combined with the financial incentive of $13,000 for every diagnosed covid case and $39,000 for ventilated covid patients creating an undue incentive to fabricate as many cases as possible to reap the financial rewards. Thus Cuomo wanted 40,000 ventilators to assure that New York would reap the profits at the expense of the poor and infirm who would surely die as a result of this intervention. See the Nurse Erin video (
Then I keep hearing about less than 1% of victims being young and without co-morbidity. What the heck does this mean? What it means is they are young and the underlying causes of their immune incompetence are not known. Their morbidity is sub-clinical and not yet diagnosable by conventional standards. They are young enough to not have been diagnosed as of yet with clinically determined infirmities. It certainly does not mean that they were healthy and robust and had no compromise. No one dies without an underlying cause, whether it be their own physical or emotional debility or the intervention process itself.
Were they stressed? Were they malnourished? Had they had the flu shot this season that, according to the Pentagon, increases morbidity and mortality from Coronavirus 36%? Had they been drinking or drugging under the threshold of addiction? Had they suffered abuse, trauma, depression, anxiety, or loss of sleep which can all lead to immune insufficiency? Were they exposed to chemical pollutants at their job or home? Did they vape or smoke other forms of combustibles?
The United States is 36th in health outcomes of all the industrialized nations which makes us the sickest nation on earth. Does that mean we have no pre-existing conditions? We spend more on health care than any other nation which, by the way, is one of the main reasons for mortality and morbidity according to the real statistics as examined by Ivar Cummins and many other statisticians. Iatrogenic(Medically induced) death rate is at 780,000 per year and properly prescribed prescription drugs are the number three leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer at 260,000 deaths per year. (Except in New York where flu is the number 3 leading cause of death.) There are no deaths that do not have underlying complications that can be attributed to our nationally endemic poor health.
I am sorry for the loss of the young, but to say they had no pre-existing conditions, that could lead to their demise, is short-sighted and without foundation.
And then we come to issue masks and the clearly contrived nature of this propaganda. Please stop with ideological soundbites like "for the greater good," rhetoric. It is not for the greater good as the government has no interest in the greater good or we would not have Monsanto or McDonald's. We would not have heart disease, diabetes, cancer at the levels we currently do if the government was truly interested in the greater good. The USDA would not allow the chemicalization of our crops nor would the FDA allow the adulteration of our food sources if our well-being and national health were their true intent. Clearly, this is not their agenda. Their agenda is to facilitate the revenue stream of Pharma and the Medical system as a whole through the engineered ignorance of our population as concerns the underpinnings of true health. Health comes from clean food and air and exercise and mental health. All things that have been conspicuously missing from the narrative of this contrived epidemic.
And just to put it into perspective, I am sure that past fascist regimes had many mandates "for the greater good" that led to Genocide in the end. Do not think for a second that these are just harmless interventions designed by an altruistic government to protect the population at large. These institutions have proved time and again that they stand only for commerce and that the mantra "for the well being of the people" is only a mask to hide the true intention of their captured organizations. The intention is only to feed us to the revenue streams that wish to use our infirmities for profit.
Therefore masks are a contrived mandate for the purpose of more ominous and sinister purposes. They are designed to create divisions among the masses and unquestioning compliance in the face of clear evidence that these appliances are not effective in stopping the spread of viruses and yet we still see blind obedience to the drumbeat of the propaganda media. So to combat the misinformation with which we are bombarded, please watch the video we have provided by Shawn Stevenson. If you do nothing else with the links that have been provided please watch this link below as it gives one of the most comprehensive evaluations of masks and their efficacy with scientific references.
Through the education of the people that have ears to hear we can begin to move the immovable, transform the immutable and make clay out of stone. Question all things, investigate presumed truth, and form opinions based on examination rather than emotion but hold loosely to all you hold as true as we all have a confirmation bias that may infiltrate our understanding and require a reset of the things that create our personal paradigms. Be open to change.
In closing, I think it is important to understand that this current time has stressed out the population in epic ways and as such, we should pay special attention to supporting our immune systems. Adequate rest, good nutrition, exercise, meditation, and positive social interaction for emotional well-being all play a part in keeping our immune systems intact to deal with any potential immune challenges. Please contact the office for supplemental immune protocols that you may want to institute, especially, in this time of high stress.
If I have not totally inundated you thus far, the following Kennedy Dershowitz Debate should put the finishing touches on it. This is a great video to show those who may be on the fence as it covers all the presumptions most people have from the official narratives.