The Worldwide Agenda with COVID 19, Part Two
“It is easier to believe a lie that you have heard a thousand times than to believe a truth that you have only heard once.”
A little-known incident at a British Antarctic base more than 50 years ago suggests just how hard suppressing respiratory viruses can be. In 1969, six researchers at the base developed moderate to severe cold symptoms. What made the incident so fascinating was they got sick in the middle of the Antarctic winter after they had been isolated from all human contact for 17 weeks.
Alex Berenson in Unreported Truths about Covid-19 and Lockdowns Part 2
What does this mean? Viruses are Indigenous, Endemic, Endogenous, and Ubiquitous. They are an integral part of our biome and we will never be able to avoid them no matter what measures we use to do so. They are a genetic necessity that helps us to adapt to our ever-changing environment and as such should be considered an inextricable companion to our continued evolution.
Dr. P
In light of the intimate relationship we have to the microbes on this planet, let's now look at the history of our attempt to mitigate these coevolutionary companions via the use of vaccines and the unintended consequences that are a result of this futile endeavor.
It was Dr. Jenner, considered the Father of Vaccines, born 1749, who observed, with others of his time, that milkmaids seem to be resistant to Small Pox after having previously been infected with Cow Pox. This superstition led Dr. Jenner to begin experimenting on human subjects with infected pus from Cox Pox lesions. He would scrape the pus from the pox and then inject this into his subject. He would then inject the subject with Smallpox and see if it would cause infection.
According to Jenner, his injections were successful in stopping the smallpox transmission. Jenner used his son as a guinea pig and injected him multiple times as well as a neighbor boy who was injected numerous times also over 12 years. His son and the neighbor boy both died of tuberculosis in their early 20's a disease known to be caused by the Smallpox vaccine. Unfortunately, his conclusions were highly subjective as to the efficacy of his vaccine and even his presumption that those who caught cowpox would be immune from Smallpox was not accurate as there were many instances of post cowpox smallpox infection.
When presenting his research to Parliament he would exclude any of the negative outcomes of his studies to make his treatment seem more efficacious. This was much the same method used by Pasteur and this ruse seems to have continued to the present day unabated. Vaccine manufacturers still employ these very same methods in their research, cherry-picking their findings and bending their statistical analysis.
Despite Jenner's efforts, widespread vaccination did not catch on. As of 1807, only 1.5% of British citizens had been vaccinated. It was not until vaccination became mandatory in 1953 that there were mass inoculations. The 30 years before these mandates Smallpox was under control, but after the intervention was mandated, under the penalty of fines and imprisonment if one were to refuse, Smallpox numbers rose significantly. Massive epidemics began to occur with over 97% of the population inoculated. This same pattern was seen in Japan with over 165 thousand cases of smallpox and 30,000 deaths after compulsory vaccination was instituted. In contrast, Australia banned the smallpox vaccine and the disease miraculously vanished.
Our first experiences with vaccines were not safe or effective and you will see this pattern continues to exert itself into the modern era.
Poliomyelitis was the next major infection for which vaccination was created in the early 20th century. The Rockefeller Foundation was the main contributor to this endeavor (imagine that!!), which resulted in 198 plus hospital workers contracting Myalgic Encephalomyelopathy (ME) in 1936 after receiving a polio vaccine created by Dr. Brodiethe Rockefeller Institute. Their symptoms were strikingly similar to Polio with a few important differences. There was fatigue, muscle aches and pains, brain fog, and general lethargy that was atypical of classic Polio. In Judy Mikovits' book Plague, she describes the potential etiologies for this outbreak and the possible correlation to a mouse retrovirus contamination in the vaccines from the process of attenuation through mouse brains that were performed in the production of these vaccines.
It is important to know that when vaccine microbes are attenuated (reduced in virulence) by the process of passing the virus or bacteria through animal tissues there may be a transmission of endogenous viruses found in the animal tissue (mouse, monkey, dog, pig, etc.) that when injected into a human subject may result in latent negative effects like cancer or autoimmunity or other diseases of unknown origin that may not develop for years to come. Salk the creator of our most recent Polio vaccine knew that it contained Simian retroviruses from the monkey kidneys in which it was grown that could cause brain, lymph, and bone cancer.
These viruses could not be removed from the vaccine and therefore posed a potential hazard for which Salk did not have a remedy.
We would be remiss if we did not mention that the Poliovirus is an enterovirus that exists at all times in our intestinal tract. Why then did it become pathogenic after millennia of cohabitation with its human host? It is well documented that a large majority of Polio patients did not have a Polio virus infection when tested at the time of symptom onset. It was found that less than 25% had any signs of the virus at the time of testing. This being said what did the other 75% possess that caused their symptoms diagnosed as Polio?
It seems there is a strong correlation between the use of DDT and Arsenic based pesticides and herbicides and the onset and rise of Polio cases. When compared to DDT use and concomitant exposure there was a 6 week lag time between exposure to DDT and the onset of Polio symptoms.
DDT and Arsenic are both potent neurotoxins and both attack the anterior horns of the spinal column leading to paralysis. During the time of the major epidemics, Arsenic based herbicides were being used to control weeds in sugar cane fields. This may be a reason for the rise in Polio incidence in the spring as sugar consumption rose with the cold sugar-laden beverage and ice cream consumption and declined in the fall with the decline in their usage. Polio would auspiciously center around areas of candy stores or places where sugary foods would be most prominent like Coney Island.
There is also the fact that DDT would be sprayed for insects like mosquitoes and children would play in the fog and classrooms would be fogged with the children present. Some advertisements proclaimed "DDT is Good For Me." Clearly not so, as it was banned in 1972 and when the levels dropped so did the incidence of Polio.
Did Polio decline with the mass vaccination program of the ‘50s? Not so. There were as high as 600% increases in the incidence of Polio in the vaccinated populations and in countries that did not vaccinate no such increases existed. So what was responsible for the decline in Polio over the ensuing decades? It would appear to be the elimination of the toxic compounds responsible for neurological damage and not the vaccine.
Autism-What Autism?
The first cases of Autism were seen in the 1930s when the first Polio and Yellow Fever vaccines were introduced. Autism was never seen before this and has continued to increase exponentially with the current rate being about 1 in 36 boys and 1 in 50 girls. Another disease of unknown origin and vehemently denied by pharma and the CDC as not vaccine-related, it has seen an explosion since 1989 and the advent of the increased vaccine schedule.
Before 1989 children received 23 doses of 7 vaccines and still the vaccine manufacturers had to seek indemnity from liability because the risk was so high.
Now children receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines from age 1-18 years old. It seems clear that the etiology of these diseases of unknown origin is related to this huge increase in vaccine burden.
Simpsonwood Transcripts
After the vaccine program changed in 1989, with increases in recommended vaccines, there was an explosion of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders.
The CDC had a massive repository of child health information from the VAERS reporting system that they spent 20 million a year maintaining. This database was used to determine potential negative effects from the vaccines being utilized.
Thomas Verstraeten was an in-house epidemiologist assigned to look at the numbers of these neurological disorder which included ADD, ADHD, ticks, and
speech delay along with a plethora of other neurodevelopmental disorders. When he ran the data it became clear that the correlation between the mercury in vaccines and these injuries was evident. There was from 760% to 1100% increase in relative risk for Autism in the high mercury (25 mcg or more-amount contained in the annual flu vaccine) vaccine group. No matter how he manipulated the data the signal persisted and this is the data that initiated the Simpsonwood meeting.
It was because of Verstraeten's findings that In 2000 there was called a secret off-campus meeting at the Simpsonwood Conference Center in Norcross, Georgia. Those who gathered there were officials from the CDC, FDA, WHO, and the NIH The goal was to discuss the shocking results of Verstraeten's investigation of the largest vaccine database in the US.
This meeting was orchestrated off-campus so that the information discussed would be immune from FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) disclosure. Unfortunately for them, someone recorded the entire meeting. After hearing Verstraeten's evaluation of the entire database on vaccine adverse effects it was obvious what was causing the Autism epidemic. The question now became what would they going to do with this information?
At first, they were horrified by the data and their complicity. One of the attendees Dr. Neal Halsey literally cried. The transcripts say, "How could this have happened? Were we asleep at the wheel? This is childhood math. Why didn't we look at these mercury loads? When we ordered all these new vaccines, how come we never did a mass load analysis of the mercury exposure we were going to be giving to these kids?" There were a lot of mea culpas.
There is an email trail of communication between the participants, one of which was Ruth Hazel, who is recorded as saying "We've got to come clean. We've got to do the right thing. We've got to tell the American people. We've got to do our mea culpa. We've got to express our regret, our apology and we have to start rebuilding the credibility of the vaccine program."
By the second day of that meeting, other voices had begun to assert themselves. Participants would say, "Well, if we do this lawyers will come out of the woodwork and they will sue us. More importantly, they will sue the vaccine companies, the pharmaceutical companies." The implication was the pharmaceutical companies would just stop producing vaccines. Then they began to coalesce and say, "We've got to hide this. We've got to keep this quiet."
By the end of the second day all these people, all these mature public servants, suddenly, by the end of that meeting were saying to each other, "We've got to embargo this. We've got to hide this from the American people." And that is just what they did.
For the next year and a half, there was an email trail from the CDC saying, "How do we create new studies that will justify our point of view or show that there are no connections between Autism and these other diseases."
And this is just what they did. They recreated studies while falsifying and manipulating new data to obscure the fact that their vaccine schedule was responsible for the unprecedented injury. To date, there have been 2 whistleblowers from the CDC (Zimmerman and Thompson) who have disclosed the CDC's pension for revising critical data to make it support their position that vaccines are not complicit in Autism Spectrum disorders.
Are Vaccines really Mercury Free and How much Mercury is too Much?
The EPA's limit for mercury exposure in drinking water is 2 ppb(parts per billion). It considers 200 ppb to be hazardous to human health. According to the FDA, Mercury-free vaccines are allowed to contain 0.3mcg of mercury. This is equivalent to 600 ppb of mercury per vaccine. In a trivalent vaccine, this may be 1800 ppb. The flu vaccine contains 25 mcg of Ethylmercury (Thimerosal). This dose is exponentially higher than the safe dose recommended by the EPA.
The Ethylmercury in vaccines is highly toxic, entering the brain within days after exposure and is then transformed into inorganic mercury, a form that is 50 times more toxic than the methylmercury found in fish. The above link is an in-depth discussion of mercury and the studies concerning its toxicity.
The FDA suggests that pregnant women restrict intake of cold-water fish known to contain higher levels of Methylmercury (Tuna, swordfish, salmon, etc.), but would suggest that the same women get a flu shot with 25 mcg of Ethylmercury that is significantly more toxic than fish would ever be and guaranteed to enter the brain of the unborn fetus.
Have Vaccines Been effective in Improving Health and Preventing disease?
If we were to believe the official narrative one would think that they have been almost a miraculous intervention of historical significance. But if viewed through the lens of more unbiased observers one would find a great deal of skepticism concerning their benefit to mankind. And many would say they are the cause of untold suffering.
Common consensus reveals that most of the reduction in infectious disease is due to hygiene and not vaccines. Colonel George E. Waring Jr. led the charge to create a sanitation movement which led to sewage projects, street-cleaning regimes, and clean water systems. This movement swept the nation with obvious benefits. It was this crusade that truly led to a reduction in infectious disease.
If you were to look at the statistical analysis of infectious diseases you would see a steady decline in all of them in the 20th century with the advent of sanitation. When vaccines are introduced there are very few that change the graph of decline to any great degree. Many of the vaccine researchers of their time would agree that the diseases would have continued to reduce on their own without the introduction of the vaccine.
Truth be told the creators of the Measles vaccines believed that there was no need to eradicate Measles, they just could do so. In other words, Measles posed no threat as it was the 6th lowest cause of death in the ‘60s when mass immunization was introduced. Measles was responsible for 400 deaths per year whereas Asthma killed over 6,000 per year at the time. Now, these vaccines are responsible for an epidemic of Asthma in the US with 1 in 5 preschool children (18%) suffering the ravages of Asthma. Allergies were relatively rare when I was a child and now there are Allergy and Asthma clinics in abundance. National Jewish is almost solely devoted to Allergy and Asthma sufferers.
Asthma is only the tip of the iceberg with over 200 negative effects attributed to vaccines in the literature. The vaccine inserts found in every vaccine package describe many of the negative side effects associated with its administration. But we will be told time and again that they are safe and effective.
The Cochran Collaborative has done a meta-analysis of the CDC's stats of the flu vaccines and has reported that it has little to no efficacy. According to their analysis if 100 people get the flu vaccine 1 will get the flu and if 100 do not get the vaccine 2 will get the flu. This is a 1% benefit and should be weighed against the potential negative consequences of any medical intervention. Is risk vs benefit favorable?
Are There Resources Confirming Vaccine Dangers?
There have been numerous documentaries delineating the negative repercussions of vaccines and the pharmaceutical giants that desire to embargo all information that may interfere with their nefarious schemes. The Truth about Vaccines series by the Bollingers. Vaxxed was banned at the Toronto Film Festival for its controversial content. Vaccines Revealed Docu-series that continue to reveal the inherent negative effects of vaccines. Vaccine Syndrome is a documentary by Scott Miller on the ravages of the Anthrax vaccine on military personnel. All of these documentaries are filled with expert witness testimony as to the potential negative impact that vaccines may and do have. Ph.D.’s, MDs, other high-level professionals, and scientists give evidence of the collusion and corruption involved in the vaccine industry as well as the harm it imparts.
The books written on this subject are innumerable and yet we still believe this official narrative that anyone who comes against the status quo is a quack and a charlatan. They would have us believe that the priesthood of medicine is infallible, untouchable, and not to be questioned.
Big Pharma-Corporate Killers?
The pharmaceutical industry has been continuously charged and convicted of corruption, injury and fraud to the tune of 30 billion dollars in awards to plaintiffs over the last 10 years alone. Merck was handed a judgment of 4.5 billion dollars for the deaths attributed to Viox (a pain killer). Viox was responsible for over 500 thousand deaths. (
The award in the Viox case was for 4.5 billion dollars because Merck knew in advance that at least 100 thousand people would die from this drug and yet they still brought it to market. To Merck, this death toll was simply the cost of doing business.
Does Merck produce vaccines? Sure they do and without liability, as afforded by our trustworthy and always dependable federal government. Dependable to protect and enable corporate special interests despite the injuries and mayhem those companies may impart on an unsuspecting public.
Johnson and Johnson addicted millions to opiates and killed scores. Knowing in advance the addictiveness of these drugs, which they downplayed to prescribing physicians, they created treatment facilities for addictions in order to profit on the front and back end of the crimes they perpetrated on mankind.
Yet despite it all, we continue to trust these corporate criminals (and the governmental agencies that protect them) with our lives when it comes to vaccinations. A commodity with which they have no liability in light of a proven track record of no accountability and an unconscionable disdain for human life.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me thrice and write on my headstone that I was without any form of critical thinking and died of terminal gullibility as big pharma laughed all the way to the bank.