Do Human Interventions Prevent Mortality from Viruses?
“We are all think alike, no one thinks very much.”
Time and time again mankind has implemented policies to stem the spread of infectious influenza. Each time these programs have met with failure. Not only have our interventions not been helpful, but actually help to increase the virility of the disease through immune compromise. See California as the perfect example of the fruitless efforts to control this virus with numbers rising continuously. In Contrast, Florida where the mandates have been suspended and has experienced no uptick in cases. This is even with the most aged population in the US.
Social distancing, sheltering in place, mask-wearing, quarantining to avoid or suppress this virus all meet with failure as the transmission of this virus is based on antiquated and false science. According to Thomas Cowan in the book "Contagion Myth," there has never been proof that transmission occurs from one infected person to another. In other words, it has never been proven that these organisms are communicable. In the book "Transmission of Infectious Influenza" by Hope-Simpson this is discussed in detail.
We presume that because we were near a sick individual if we became ill following exposure, it was due to this contact. But correlation does not infer causation unless it suits the official narrative as concerns COVID-19.
Believe it or not, this correlation has never been proven by scientific methods. According to Cowan, Koch's postulate has never fully been performed. In other word's no pathogen has ever been purified, replicated, and injected into a test subject to determine if the said pathogen is truly the cause of the disease. It is all presumptive and quite honestly this paradigm continues to persist only because it supports the pharmacological model of intervention of the last 100 years. Medical dogma is truly directed by economics. And the revenue stream generated by Pharma directs all science and thus our perceived beliefs.
Hope-Simpson postulates that viruses are endemic and seasonally triggered and do not have true transmission patterns. Influenza viruses trigger seasonally due to a multitude of factors from seasonal solar variation, changes in humidity, etc.
It is also seen that the metabolic health of a community, as well as community immunity, also play a role. So if metabolic health is poor (e.g. US at 36th in health outcome of the industrialized nations) there will be greater morbidity and mortality associated with seasonal influenza.
The nations that spent the most on health care also had a greater negative impact from the seasonal flu with the US again leading the industrialized nations in health care spending. Thus, those who spend the most on health care have a population of individuals surviving by exceptional measures (i.e.-hanging on by a thread) and therefore are ready to be culled by the seasonal flu viruses
Vitamin D status was also an important variable with the higher the vitamin D levels the greater the protection from adverse consequences. Japan has a very high Vitamin D status and suffered few ill effects from this flu season and Italy has abysmal vitamin D levels that had appreciably greater consequences as relates to the virus.
As I have intimated in previous newsletters, viruses are us and help us to adapt to an ever-changing environment. They are the unexplained parts of our genome and are designed to influence our genetics to manage toxic stress of all kinds. They are our evolutionary companions. If we are at war against this virus we are at war against ourselves. We are virome.
If we were to fully grasp the nature of these microbes we would find that viruses are rarely deadly, always misunderstood, and trying to protect us.
So do our interventions of social distancing, mask-wearing, sheltering in place and isolation of infected individuals reduce negative outcomes in a Pandemic? Not in the least!! This is fully explained in scientific terms by Ivor Cummins in his many podcasts where he takes the data and shows that these mandates do not in any way have a positive effect on the outcome of normal seasonal flu epidemics. Please see the above links for a thorough discussion of the data by Ivor.
It is interesting to note a little-known fact about the Wuhan lockdowns. Millions of Chinese fled Wuhan during the lockdown to Shanghai and Beijing with these two cities seeing no uptick in their death tolls to Corona. There were very few deaths attributed to Coronavirus in Shanghai and if the contagion theory were true we would have seen devastation in these regions due to the infected migrants. Just another example of the impotence of this disease.