Medical Facts or Science Fiction
“This rampant corruption...hides from the public scientific truths which might go against corporate economic interests.”
“First you guess... If it disagrees with experience, the guess is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your guess is or how smart your are or what your name is. If it disagrees with experience, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.”
“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.”
It is time to take a massive step back and examine in detail the issues surrounding this current Covid-19 pandemic. In the following pages, we will break down the facts as concerns the current information propagated by the mainstream media and other social media outlets. The question I want to answer is... Is what we are currently experiencing as relates to the COVID-19 pandemic based on sound medical facts or is it science fiction?
Speaking of propaganda I must take a moment to clarify that what you are about to read does not come from a partisan political position. I am nonpartisan with leanings toward social equity and justice. Most of my resources are positioned more to the left or nonpartisan like myself. I feel that health care if made universal, would effectually clip the wings of Pharma and reduce their rampant, unrestrained power of influence in the media and halls of congress. I do not view how I interpret current events to be politically motivated and only wish to discuss the true facts as I see them through the lenses of my unique experience.
Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. This is not my intent nor is the content you are about to see in any way politically motivated.
For a more in-depth discussion of the history of public manipulation through misinformation read Noam Chomsky's most recent book "Consequences of Capitalism." After reading Noam's most recent offering I will appear as benign by comparison.
As many of you know, I have spent the good part of the last 40 years studying and implementing natural health-promoting solutions. In doing so I have had to take a cold hard look at the current interventional paradigm as implemented by the conventional medical system and contrast that to the more natural health care that diet and lifestyle changes will afford. In this almost 4 decade endeavor, there has been many an "AHA" moment that has led to a more in-depth understanding of the differences between the 2 disciplines.
On the one hand, you have the relatively juvenile (100-year-old) current conventional model of disease management (not health care) based on pharmaceutical and surgical intervention. On the other, you have a system of true health care built on millennia of traditional and cultural interventions that have stood the test of time.
The current interventional model is funded by a powerful Medical industrial complex that includes the pharmaceutical industry giants. It is this complex that directs and implements all scientific endeavors in the current medical system resulting in a massive conflict of interest. This system prevails because it only serves this medical complex to produce science that supports their model of medical intervention and all other information is, for the most part, censored or buried never to be seen.
Why am I belaboring this point? It is because much of the information that the general population receives, upon which they base their opinions, is collected from these sources. These media outlets are their educators. Mainstream media receives 75% of their advertising revenue from Pharma. How does this conflict of interest make these sources unbiased and uncaptured COVID authorities? It incontestably makes much of what they say suspect at the very least.
It is through this media content that emboldened ignorance is fabricated and, as a result of this engineered nescience, runs rampant in our society today leading to social virtue signaling at a level never before encountered. They claim to know what is effective because they hear a sound bite from a TV Doctor or a CDC pundit and this makes it a gospel they are obliged to evangelize. It truly has become orthodoxy and not science.
I am weary of the cadre of neo-arm chair experts claiming to know what is best, based on hours spent listening to Media proclamations and media darling doctors who clearly are captured by the medical-industrial complex. Again, when 3/4 of your revenue is derived from pharmaceutical advertising... guess who dictates your perspectives?
It is because of this rampant misinformation that I ask everyone to please step back, take a deep breath, and examine a few of the alternative, nonpartisan platforms like Green Med Info, Children's Health Defense, Ivor Cummin's (The Fat Emperor), Brian Rose of the London Real and a host of others that are bringing together the censored scientific elite who are calling foul on this whole Corona escapade and providing a forum where these alternative voices can be heard.
Books like Corona False Alarm by Dr. Karina Reiss and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Contagion Myth by Dr. Thomas Cowan, Unreported Truths about Covid-19 and Lockdown by Alex Berenson, "Transmission of Epidemic Influenza" by Hope-Simpson are just a few that give an alternative and well-resourced points of view on this topic of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an eminent German Physician and virologist, cried out against the false information being propagated as early as April 2020.
Stop believing you will get the straight scoop from CNN, CNBC, Fox News, FaceBook(or social media of any kind), Today Show, or any other derivation of the popular news sources so many depend on.
Even some of the most lauded Medical Journals have been captured by corporate special interests. As an example, the ex-editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angel, speaks to the conflicts of interest in scientific journals and the corruption of science due to the corporate special interests involved in the publication of scientific data. She would find any data printed in current scientific journals to be suspect and untrustworthy.
People like Stanford's Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Laureate, who has said from the beginning that the predictions of Neil Fergusson of the Imperial College of London were off by 12 fold, was met with a stiff arm and showed the door. This is the same Neil Ferguson who was exponentially wrong in his prediction of massive death tolls from Foot and Mouth 2001, Bird Flu 2005, and the Swine flu 2009. Levitt's censorship was swift as his predictions, although spot on, did not line up with the official narrative of massive death and destruction as a result of this virus.
John Ioannidis Ph.D. from Stanford who is a professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, Statistics, and Biomedical Data Sciences was censored for writing warnings about the response to the pandemic as being dangerous and unwarranted. There are many more that have signed the Barrington Declaration in protest of what has transpired over the last 9 months.
Fear and hysteria are what the mainstream media and corporate interests wanted and Dr. Levitt's and Dr. Ioaniddis' predictions were far too tame to generate the panic and frenzy that would propel the population towards the inevitable solution that Pharma would experimental vaccine.
So, let's stand back and take a cold hard look at what we are being told and let us discern the actual truth. Let us delve into the facts and not the delusion, the real issues and not the propaganda.
With all this in mind, what are we dealing with... a potent, virulent pathogen or a normal seasonal Corona variant? What are we using to diagnose this presumed disease and is it an accurate metric for diagnosis, treatment, patient management, and public health policy? Are masks, lockdowns, quarantine, and social distancing effective in any way, shape, or form or founded in anything remotely scientific? What are the global implications of this current worldwide intervention? What has been the History of respiratory viruses and how has this current epidemic differed from past experiences? Is the new COVID vaccine a viable intervention given the nature of this disease?
Let's stop with the panic-inducing propaganda and get down to the real facts and figures that give us the true picture of Covid 19's global impact.