Scientific Whack-a-Mole
“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.”
“We all have battles to fight. And it’s often in those battles that we are most alive: it’s on the frontlines of our lives that we earn wisdom, create joy, forge friendships, discover happiness, find love, and do purposeful work.”
At the age of 17, I entered the Navy Medical Corps and was trained in conventional medical interventions. Once completing this education I was assigned to the emergency room staff at the Naval Regional Medical Center for the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune North Carolina. I spent the next 10 years in some form of conventional medical occupation from the emergency room to intensive care units and step-down intensive care environments. Following this, I entered my clinical practice in alternative medicine and have spent the last 37 years using Functional Medicine to treat over 10,000 patients. In total, I have spent 47 years involved in inpatient care of one form or another and it is this experience that, I believe, provides me with a rather unique perspective on medical interventional models and their efficacy.
It is through this lens that I have attempted to provide, to any who will listen, information to help navigate this most difficult 15 months of Covid 19 narrative. During this time we have been barraged with the mantra “Believe the Science.” “Science” seems to be the banner child of the media and governmental organizations attempting to sell us on the Covid 19 crisis and the interventions that they wish to institute on the population at large. With this in mind let’s take a closer look at science as a whole and its history rife with unforeseen consequential collateral damage.
In Noam Chomsky’s book “Understanding Power’ he discusses science and its shortcomings as concerns understanding complex systems, especially as concerns the human body. He states that in Physics there is a problem called “The Three Body Problem." The 3 Body Problem, simply illustrated, is when 3 bodies are in motion all the equations are known to determine the outcome, but they are unable because the equations are just too complex. As an example, a physicist states that if you take a cup of coffee and add cream and the cream begins to swirl all the equations exist to figure out this interaction, but they are unable because the complexity of these two bodies in motion defies our scientific abilities. This is cream in coffee...too complex. So when we are told that something is safe and effective when introduced into the human mechanism, a mechanism consisting of trillions of moving bodies, you must understand that they have absolutely no scientific basis for the claims they make. Add to this the biochemical individuality of every human being and immense Genetic variability that exists and this just exponentially increases the possibility of negative consequences from their contrived interventions. If they claim they know that something is safe and effective they are lying. This is the epitome of arrogance. They cannot “know it” as they cannot even begin to calculate the equations concerning cream in the coffee, much less the complexity of the interactions of the human micro and macrocosms. A mandalic interplay of infinite complexity that defies man's myopic intrusions.
All you have to do is watch a few pharmaceutical commercials on TV to see the litany of potential side effects that they may cause to know that “safe and effective” should never be used to describe the utilization of these "medical" interventions. And these are only the side effects that they can quantify. What about the myriad of negative effects that are subclinical and never manifest overtly, but lead to future degenerative change that will never be correlated with the pharmaceutical prescribed?
Take the recent class-action lawsuit for Zantac. Zantac is a proton pump inhibitor that stops the production of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach. It is a treatment for GERD (reflux), Ulcers and gastric inflammation, etc that has been used for years “safe and effective.” Now we come to find out that this drug is responsible for the creation of around 12 different cancers. Whoops!! DDT=whoops, DES birth control= whoops, lead in gasoline=whoops, Agent Orange=whoops and double whoops, PFOA from Teflon production=whoops, PCB’s from plastics= whoops, Hydrofluorocarbons(refrigerants that destroy the ozone)=whoops, Tobacco=whoops, Viox pain killers=whoops(killed over 500,000 people with just this one drug) The list goes on ad infinitum. “Sorry didn’t see that coming” seems to be the case more often than not.
Read below for more information on the Zantac lawsuit.
How about Johnson and Johnson baby powder? Whoops. Didn’t know that baby powder could cause ovarian cancer in women who applied it to their perineum. Baby powder to the vaginal region seems pretty benign wouldn’t you say, but again they didn’t see this as a potential outcome. I guess they can’t tell us with any certainty that their interventions will be without possible adverse effects because they are unable to even figure out the consequences of cream in coffee. With that in mind let us take a little journey into the past and see what some of our most brilliant scientific advances have brought us. Leading to Scientific Whack a Mole.
When one examines the history of mankind's "scientific advancements" it would seem that they consistently and inevitably result in unforeseen consequences(collateral damage). Negative outcomes, even when proven to cause harm, will be maintained because a revenue stream has been established. A revenue stream from which those who profit, steadfastly refuse to terminate. This is not a conspiracy theory, but just the sheer gravity of economics. Economic systems that rule the planet without a care for the consequences to human and planetary survival. Capitalism=short term profit over the potential future toll.
As an example, in the 1800s, after years of poor land management resulting in soil nutrient depletion and ultimately crop failures, an intervention was developed in the form of man-made fertilizers (i.e. Pot Ash which is composed of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus salts). Instead of implementing wise land stewardship, we opted for the “scientific solution” which was to salt the soil with these short-sighted remedies. This application resulted in the rapid growth of crops, but led to the development of nutrient deficiency and weakened immune systems in all plant life exposed to this chemical cocktail. Plants require over 70+ minerals for optimal health and immune integrity and the 3 minerals supplied by Pot Ash did not come close to covering the bill. As a consequence, these crops became increasingly susceptible to all kinds of natural predators...Fungus, Insects, Rodents, and Weeds. Nature will not be fooled by myopic human intervention and will attempt to remove from the ecosystem any lifeform that is inferior and weak.
This outcome, therefore, necessitated further short-sighted “scientific” interventions in the form of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides as the human remedy to support the plant in its new weakened immune life cycle. Support that would have never been necessary if proper crop rotation and soil management were instituted. It was a suicide in the name of modern, scientific discovery and application. The collateral damage that was all too easy for “science” to attempt to mitigate resulted in further degradation of natural systems, both in human and plant ecology. This was the genesis of the AgriPharma Industrial Complex. A revenue stream established is a revenue stream maintained.
These remedies and their consequences necessitated hybridization and genetic modification of the crops to which these applications were applied to allow the crops to survive their new, highly chemicalized environment. In fact, genetic modification was only created to allow for the increased application of chemicals to the plants without their demise. Round Up Ready GMO crops can withstand 70 times the Round Up herbicide over non-GMO crops. That means you get to consume 70 times the Round Up in these foods you ingest. Increased cancer rates associated with Round Up exposure? Go figure?!!
So we now have highly chemicalized, nutrient-deficient produce that is grown on sterile soil and fed to our livestock and human populations. The consequences are increased morbidity and mortality in the populations that consume these foods, pollution of our waterways from chemical runoff, destruction of wildlife, and decimation of the bee population.
By the late 1800’s we were seeing the negative health effects of these “scientifically” derived applications. Diseases that had not been seen (or were rare) in the history of mankind began to present themselves. Heart disease, cancer, degenerative disease, autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases began to plague the population exposed to these crops and the processed foods that contained them. It was at this time that the inventor of Pot Ash, Justice Von Liebig, wrote repentance to mankind for having corrupted the laws of nature with his discovery and its utilization. At the end of the 19th century, books were written about how to fertilize the soil with natural compounds to avoid the deleterious effects of these chemical interventions. But as usual, these voices of reason were ignored and censored to maintain the revenue streams of the industrial complex responsible for the poisoning of the planet.
As is the nature of man's capitalistic endeavors, it just so happens that these new diseases were an opportunity to use the same chemical industry, responsible for the AgriPharma Industrial Complex, to develop interventions in the human and animal populations. These new chemical pharmaceuticals would be used to treat the symptoms of malnutrition created by AgriPharma’s shortsighted “scientific” remedies.
And away we go with the rise of the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex in lockstep with the new Medical Industrial Complex. The answers to the consequences of our chemicalized food industry would be to create pharmaceutical interventions to halt the symptoms created by malnutrition. We were to be “saved” by “science” again. And the Barons of commerce would rejoice in the new capital creating systems these consequences and their interventions would engender.
Medications for all the diseases, created by our poor farming practices and food processing, would be developed. We would revel in our “scientific” acumen and all voices to the contrary would be silenced. Anyone who would claim that whole natural food was superior to those that were processed and denatured would be labeled a quack, charlatan, and racketeer. Many were threatened with incarceration in the early 20th century for merely trying to inform the public of the dangers of these new Industrial complexes and their consequences to human and animal health. This has been the clarion cry of the medical and pharmaceutical establishments for the last 100 years. All who oppose this revenue stream will be censored. Is it any wonder that so many, after 100 years of propaganda, would so readily accept whatever the media and regulatory governmental institutions would espouse.
As mankind’s immune health faltered, vaccinations were developed in an attempt to support what our deficient diets could not. But as we have come to realize, there are no medications that do not have potential negative side effects(Overt and Covert). It is the nature of Man’s avarice that these repercussions will not have been anticipated. We, therefore, began to see a rise in other diseases for which their correlation to these novel medical interventions would be suppressed. Vaccines may have reduced a few diseases, but inevitably would be responsible for exponentially higher negative health consequences on every imaginable front. In 1989 when the vaccine schedule increase dramatically as a result of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (removed liability from vaccine manufacturers for injuries resulting from vaccinations) the EPA designated this year as the Open Door Year for diseases of unknown origin. After 1989 diseases of unknown origin exponentially increased. Unknown origin?
If we are to “Believe the Science” I would have to admonish that we only need to look at history to see if there is “science” to believe. Science tends to support the revenue stream that finances its investigations. So I would contend that we should look to see who pays for the science and then ask if there is a conflict of interest involved in the process of scientific discovery. Being that Pharma and the Medical industrial complex are almost completely self-regulated it would seem that the possibility of interest conflict would be exponentially increased. Their incestuous relationship with governmental institutions like the CDC, NIH, and WHO is rife with conflict of interest and corruption. (See my newsletters on vaccinations)
It is for this reason that I am sending you the following video that presents studies that show the health outcome differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Studies that should have been done decades ago, but were not because of the negative financial consequences the pharmaceutical industry might incur if such research were to become public knowledge. Remember that vaccines are the only Pharma intervention for which they have no liability. This equals all profit and no risk. It is therefore not in Pharma’s best interest to reveal any potential negative outcomes from these therapies.
I think this video will answer the question as to whether the benefit exceeds the risk of vaccination. If we reduce infectious disease with vaccines, will it result in morbidity and mortality that exceeds these benefits? Would it be better to suffer the short-lived discomfort of childhood infections and seasonal viruses or should we continue to endeavor to play a high-tech game of “Scientific” Whack A Mole?
I have also included a video from a newscaster that some might have found offensive in the past, but I have a motto-Extract the precious from the worthless and do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Tyranny may make strange bedfellows and I believe that we should not stop listening to persons who may have contrary viewpoints to our own as we may find them to be allies against oppression in the future.
And finally a chilling quote from Jacques Attali, an aide to Francois Mitterrand (former President of France) and written in 1981. Remember this is post WW2 when we believed we had left the Nazi Eugenics program behind-
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.
Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid.
Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases.
Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate.
We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it; a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the elderly, it does not matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb.
The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”