Idiocracy Primed
You might wonder why I used the domain Idiocracy Primed as my site title? I named this website after the 2006 movie Idiocracy. In this film, Luke Wilson plays the reluctant guinea pig of a top-secret hibernation program who is forgotten. Awakening to a future dystopia (reminiscent of our present), Luke, not the sharpest tool in the shed, finds himself the most intelligent in a sea of moronic miscreants who subsist on a diet of processed snack foods, Brawndo (a Gatorade knock-off), and soft drinks by the bucket. This society consumes a steady stream of game shows and reality television, and their president is a machine gun-toting professional wrestler who, although clearly no more intelligent than the rabble he represents, has the muscle and the firepower to exercise his will as he pleases. Although slapstick and low brow, this movie clearly depicts a devolution of mankind that is frighteningly like our current culture.
In this “fictional” future they water their fields with Brawndo, which claims it has “What Plants Crave", and then they cannot comprehend why crops will not grow. A steady stream of propaganda has them believing that this drink has all the necessary nutrients a body (or plant) would need. Luke’s character asks the obvious, “Why not use plain water?” Their response is, “That stuff in the toilet?”
As funny as this sounds, it is exactly what our society does continuously in commercial farming. In our agricultural system, we apply salts to the soil in the form of Miracle Grow derivations and do not understand why we must resort to further applications of chemicals to combat what salting the soil with man-made fertilizers spawns. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides are necessitated by the short-sighted application of man-made fertilizing agents. Fertilizers contain less than one-twentieth of the nutrients a plant needs for healthy development. Yet we believe the advertising and continue to apply these chemicals by the tons to our land even after more than a hundred years of negative consequences such as soil degradation.
In-kind, the same occurs when human consumption of fast food, refined sugars, processed, preserved, and denatured foods is promoted over a whole, organic, nutritionally complete diet. As a consequence of nutrient-deficient diets and increased toxins in our everyday life, we require pharmaceutical interventions to combat the diseases that ensue. We are destroying our environment and our health with the interventions that we employ. Our cognitive function has declined 20 IQ points in the last 60 years. The US now sits at 68th in health outcomes among the top industrial nations putting us on par with third world countries. Yet the ad campaigns, with which we are barraged daily, convince us to continue down this path of idiocy.
We are confronted with an ever-increasing list of degenerative maladies for which Pharma has created innumerable remedies with equally innumerable side effects. Pharmaceutical-related diseases would not exist, and treatments would not be necessary except for the ever-increasing toxic exposure that we incur due to pandemic poisoning from every angle; notably from foods that are so denatured that they leave our bodies inexorably malnourished and vulnerable to every disease and pathogen that exist. Our metabolic health is so poor that it renders us impotent to resist morbidity.
We, therefore, are not waiting for the dystopian future to arrive; It is here in exponential fashion and as such is Idiocracy Primed.